
Cheeky viral ad shows how to check your breasts AND get past the censors.


Despite a surge in #FreeTheNipple support over the past year, woman’s nipples are still apparently as the worst thing ever. 

They are getting them out all over the place on shows such as Game of Thrones and Outlander, and Miley Cyrus gets hers out during every public outing, but our lovely marks of womanhood still need to be censored in advertising and social media.

Image via MACMA.

To strike back at the censorship while getting out the message about breast checking for breast cancer, Argentinian breast cancer awareness company, MACMA (Movimento Ayuda Cander De Mama), has launched a social media campaign using the next best thing ... man boobs.

"It’s hard to get women over 25 to examine their breasts regularly to prevent breast cancer,"  Joaquin Cubria and Ignacio Ferioli, the GCD and VP of campaign agency David Buenos Aires told Bandt.

Image via MACMA.

"That is when we bumped into another problem: breasts are not very welcome; they are censored. Even when teaching how to perform a BSE for the early detection of breast cancer. That is where “manboobs4boobs” comes in. A health-related campaign that requires men to partake in order to succeed."

The ad aims to show women how they can conduct breast checks at home, and hopes to raise awareness for women who are diagnosed with breast cancer per year.

Buen trabajo, amigos.