The Holy Grail of birth control is almost upon us, you guys… The male contraceptive has arrived.
It’s called Vasalgel. And it’s a massive needle that goes right into the peen.
So you can definitley rely on dudes to take it then.
Here’s the rundown:
Vasalgel is an injection that acts like a temporary vasectomy. A polymer contraeptive is injected into the vas deferens (the little tube that sperm travels through) and acts like a barrier. Basically, it stops any little wrigglers from getting through. It’s the first line of defence for jizz, if you will. And it can be kept in for years.
Unlike with a vasectomy (where the vas deferens is completely snipped), if a gentleman then decides he would like to make a baby with a special lady friend, he can get a second injection that will flush out the polymer contraceptive and allow the sperm to flow freely once again.
Vasalgel has been tested on three very lucky baboons, who were each placed into a romantic living situations with 15 lady baboons – EACH – for 6 months. Much fun was had. No pregnancies occured.
According to a press release, the makers of Vagasal hope to start human trials next year, and are looking to have the male contraceptive commercially available by 2017.
Bring on the penis injections!
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Top Comments
As a late 20's, married man, this is a much better alternative than vasectomy. If Vasalgel was available in Australia I would gladly have it done. I don't believe men or women should be sterilised; I believe certain ideas of masculinity and femininity come from fertility. It doesn't mean you have to use it to have babies if you don't want to, but that right should not be taken away through sterilisation. There is too much pressure from some women for men to get sterilised against their will, yet men would never suggest this to women. Vasalgel, and a temporary and effective fix is the sort of empowerment men need over their sexual and reproductive health.
This is a good idea and I wish it ever success but for me it is the celibate choice with 0% risk of pregnancy. I am a radical childfree and an admirer of the soshoku danshi (herbivore men) of Japan.
A happy bachelor never married and never spawned.