Anthony seemed to have an issue with Cheryl and Andrew’s new relationship. And fans were not happy.
The fans of Married At First Sight are angry.
And it’s not because people are getting fake married and going on fake honeymoons with literal strangers.
This week, Cheryl and Andrew – who were originally ‘married’ to different people – re-entered the competition to pursue a relationship with each other.
Listen: The Recap team debriefs on tonight’s drama. (Post continues after audio.)
Which is all well and good, unless you are Anthony, who seemed to take issue with the new pairing.
“You’ll look like a f***ing idiot if you get it wrong,” Anthony told Cheryl, after claiming that only Andrew deserved a second chance at love on the show.
Top Comments
Appreciating these things are highly edited, what comes out of someone's mouth is on them. Given that, Anthony is way off base on many levels. Most importantly, it's none of his business. Who made him their judge, jury, ruler? It's an indictment that he would think that sort of behaviour is emotionally intelligent and socially appropriate. It's neither.
Then he is holding one person of a couple accountable, when the decision for them to both be there was made by the producers, which they both agreed to.
He should be sharing his displeasure with the show's producers if he has such an extreme issue. If he feels Andrew deserves a 2nd chance but not Cheryl - then take it up with the decision makers, not Cheryl.
Instead he was trying to intimidate and bully her.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out for Nadia, and what decisions she makes going forward. As when emotions are involved, couple with your own hearts needs & desires, it can be hard to have clarity of mind. I hope she does not lose her sense of self.
Yep. He is a pig. He doesn't even know the guy but said how much of a great guy he was, yet told the girl how awful she is. He made me sick. This is the exact sort of bullshit I am sick of. People always have one set of standards for men, and another for women -often when it comes to dating and sex.
And you know these people from watching a highly edited show that has producers prompting the participants to do and say things to increase the DRAMA and the ratings. Puh-lease. I'm waiting till the participants get out into the real world and can actually tell us what happened (in a year or so, contract allowing...)
Oh, and I should add that I do agree with the different standards for men and women bit. But the "Married at First Sight" Experiment is not real life, and Cheryl and Andrew and not "Married at First Sight" so I can get why the others might not like the "rules" being broken.
So you think he was forced to say those things?