The best of times and the worst of times – that pretty much sums up twentysomething life. And if you really pay attention, this decade is also a time to learn some crucial – and sadly, often rather cruel – life lessons to take into your thirties and beyond. Strap yourselves in – some of this advice might be a little bit hard to swallow.
You have nothing to lose, even though you think you have everything to lose.
Your 20s are experimental years. Building years. Risk years.
Try it all. Fall. And then keep doing the good stuff.
Your time is actually really valuable.
How much do you value one of your hours? If someone offers you work for less than that number, decline. If it will cost you less to hire someone else to do what needs to get done than what it would cost you at your valued rate, hire them.
Value your time.
Nobody cares.
Got sick? Broke a leg? Fell on your face?
Nobody cares – especially when it comes to work and business. Well, that’s not true — if you work with good people, they care. But they also don’t. They expect you will keep to your word and get done what needs to get done, or pass it off to someone else who can finish the job.
You suck at communicating.
Most fights stem from a lack of communication.
Fires, lack of communication. Misunderstandings, lack of communication. If you feel like you are over-communicating, you probably are — and that’s a good thing.
LISTEN: The understated importance of doing things you’re bad at. Post continues below.
95% of friends are only your friends in certain surroundings.
Your bar friends are your bar friends.
Your workout friends are your workout friends.
Your music friends are your music friends.