
The world's scariest horror films, re-enacted by kittens.

Or should we say, re-enCATed?

Probably not. That’s just bad spelling, really.

Mashable have produced a video that will have half the population squealing in delight, and give the other half another reason not to trust cats.

They have remade some of the classic horror movies, starring some pretty frightening felines.

If you’ve always been terrified of shower curtains, and if The Shining left you with a debilitating fear of mazes, this video might be a better option for you. You can even leave the lights on.

We promise it will leave you saying ‘nawwwwww’ instead of ‘NUUUAARGHHHHHHHH’.

Watch it here: 

Video via Mashable

Though we must admit, the best part about this very clever video is the puns.

As well as The Purring there is…


Kittens reenact horror movies
Image: YouTube via Mashable

The Texas Chainpaw Meowsacre…

Kittens reenact horror movies
Image: YouTube via Mashable

and Cattie.

Kittens reenact horror movies
Image: YouTube via Mashable

Hey, if they can turn Carrie into a musical, there’s no reason Cattie won’t be a box-office smash.