
Kim Kardashian has made a new career move and it's fraught with risk.

To know of Kim Kardashian’s existence is to recognise that she looks damned good when placed in front of a camera. But even with that skill well and truly honed, her newest career move from reality television mogul to morning TV host is about as risky as they come.

Earlier this week it was announced that the mother-of-two will join longtime friend and Keeping up with the Kardashians executive producer Ryan Seacrest on the couch of his major US morning talk show Live With Kelly And Ryan later this month while fellow co-host Kelly Ripa is on leave.

From first glance, it makes sense given her and Seacrest’s long-running relationship and natural banter, plus it’s a good opportunity for the 36-year-old. But the history of the Kardashian family and hosting appearances is not a pleasant one, which makes the decision on Kim’s part all the more confusing.

kim kardashian live with kelly and ryan
Image: Getty

In 2013, Kardashian matriarch Kris Jenner launched her eponymous midday talk showKris via the Fox Networkwhich was meant to sit somewhere between the Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres market.

Sadly, the show ran for just six weeks before being cancelled. It received an IMDB score of just 1.6 out of 10 and was widely criticised in reviews, with one critic calling the show "just another cynical promotional opportunity."

Months after the failed show wrapped up, even Fox staff themselves mocked Kris's hosting abilities, with the president of programming, Frank Cicha saying, "She looked not just like a deer in the headlights but like a deer that already got hit... She was pretty uninteresting."

kim kardashian live with kelly and ryan
Kris Jenner's hosting gig lasted just six weeks. Source: Getty.

That same year, Khloe Kardashian's gig on X Factor also got cancelled after just one season due to her inexperience with live television and shortcomings as a host.

Throughout the series Khloe was criticised for appearing nervous and awkward on camera, making inappropriate comments to judges Demi Lovato and Simon Cowell that could not be edited out, and being fundamentally unaware of how the live television format worked.

Listen: The science behind the Kardashian's success. Post continues... 

In 2014, Kendall Jenner stepped up to the live hosting plate at the Billboard Music Awards. Sadly, her 60-second-long segment (in which she was set to introduce pop band 5 Seconds of Summer) was nothing short of a trainwreck.

The supermodel was caught accidentally calling the band One Direction, trying to literally duck out of the camera view and then awkwardly laughing until it was finally over.

Then, in 2016, Khloe returned to the television host role again not once, but twice, starting with her late-night chat show, Kocktails with Khloe and her weight-loss transformation show, Revenge Body with Khloe Kardashian.

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Khloe Kardashian on Revenge Body. Source: E!

In perhaps its most scathing one review, one critic described Kocktails  as "komplete krap" and "as difficult to follow as a gum-popping waitress in a loud bar." Yikes. The show received a 3 out of 10 rating on IMDB, and like her mother's talk show, was cancelled after just one season.

Luckily, the 33-year-old had more luck with Revenge Body, having the show renewed for a second season.

Not completely without controversy, though, the premise of the show itself - which essentially suggests that thinness is the ultimate revenge over those who hurt you - was widely criticised around the world and Khloe came under fire on multiple occasions for her hosting style.

kim kardashian live with kelly and ryan
Never forget this iconic live TV moment. Image via Channel 9.

2016 was also the year that Kourtney, the eldest Kardashian sister, make headlines when her response to an uncomfortable question posed by Australian television hosts David Campbell and Sonia Kruger was to simply blank them. On live television. And then say it was a time delay issue. Sure, okay.

So why, after such a fraught track record Kim would send herself into the hellfire that is live television and hosting, we're really, really not sure. But if there's one person in which we put our trust to break this long-running spell, it's surely Kim, right?