September 23, 2017, will forever be known as the day I stopped sleeping through the night. It’s also, curiously, the day that news broke that Kylie Jenner, at just 20 years old, was expecting.
Are the two linked? We’ll never know… (Hint: Yes they most certainly are and I’m not even the tiniest bit ashamed to admit it).
Things only became more complicated when, four days later, Kylie’s older sister Khloe Kardashian was also rumoured to be baking up a bun in her oven.
If it wasn’t for the giant bags under my eyes, an iPhone camera roll full of Instagram screen shots that have been zoomed within an inch of their lives and a Google search history that reads ‘R KYLIE AND KHLOE RLY PREGNANT PLZ HELP I MUST KNOW’, it’d be hard to believe it’s been nearly two entire months since the gossip began.
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But what if, just for shits and giggles, we think about this? Maybe both Khloe and Kylie offered to be Kim's surrogate at the same time? And Kim couldn't decide which one to use, so she decided both would have a baby at the same time FOR HER?
Or maybe we all should just back the hell off and let them live the way they want?
I dunno, you choose? Ha!