With everything going on in the world of politics right now, it’s no surprise that 2017 is already shaping up to be the year of the political speech.
Meryl Streep caused divide with hers at the Golden Globes, and today’s Screen Actors Guild Awards saw many more high profile Hollywood stars pick up the mantle.
Fresh from her appearance at the Women’s March last weekend, Veep actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus used her best actress in a comedy acceptance speech to direct a personal message to Donald Trump and his latest immigration ban.
Listen: Should Hollywood stars be getting political in their speeches? Post continues after audio.
“I want you all to know that I am a daughter of an immigrant,” she began.
“My father fled religious persecution in Nazi occupied France and I’m an American patriot, and I love this country. And because I love this country, I am horrified by its blemishes and this immigrant ban is a blemish and it is un-American.”
Top Comments
For direct analysis I'd much prefer to listen to the straight talk (which those of us who don't breathe in the rarefied air of so called celebrities can easily relate to) of Ross Cameron, Mark Latham and Rowan Dean on 'Outsiders' on Sky on Sunday morning.
Yesterday's show was outstanding. Quite a few Aussie so called celebs were mentioned and shown to be out of touch with reality as well. Highly recommend it.
I am also heartened by the comments from ordinary Aussies on the feed news section of Microsoft Edge.
Politics has no place at the awards. Actors should just stick to acting.