Spoilers for the season finale of Game of Thrones’ seventh season ahead. Don’t read ahead if you haven’t watched the latest episode, or we may have to send the Night King after you.
It happened.
The moment we’ve been waiting for the entire season finally happened.
No, we’re not talking about Littlefinger finally getting his just desserts (although GOODNESS ME that was more satisfying than removing a tiny pebble that’s been stuck in your shoe all day).
We’re talking about THIS:
While fans have been waiting for the sexy times between Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen all season, there's something a little... weird... about willing this to happen.
Mostly (okay, not mostly, but DEFINITELY) because they are related.
Daenerys is actually Jon Snow's aunt. And thanks to a creepy voice-over from Bran, we were filled in on exactly how the two were connected while they were... well, connected.
For a show that painted Cersei and Jaime as villains from the very beginning of the series, in part because they were twins AND lovers, it's a little disturbing that just seven years later, fans are willing to overlook the same behaviour from two of their favourites.
#GameOfThronesFinale when you wanted to see Jon & Dany all season but it's confirmed they are related... pic.twitter.com/J73qWvIEFx
— Marisa (@Muh_risuh) August 28, 2017
Top Comments
Meanwhile, it is common knowledge that Targaryans are incestual. So no real shock there.
Bran to Jon in his calm yet scary voice "I saw the two of you that night. You were both so beautiful. By the way she is totes your aunt"