“It was like the pain of glass coming in between me and everyone around me.”
While most celebrities want you to think they’re perfect, Jessica Rowe, wears her war wounds proudly because she knows it will help other women.
In the full video she talks candidly about the depths of her postnatal depression.
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Top Comments
Thank you Jessica Rowe, you're a graceful gracious woman.
“I think boned is a really demeaning, sexist and awful term.” - yet the man who uses these terms (but only in relation to women) is the man we were championing to join the team of feminism because we need all the help we can get. With help like this, is it any wonder we diminish the very values the cause stands for. Equality for all. Feminism is equality, so if you don't value equal rights for everyone, I'm happy for you not to call yourself a feminist. And I will also know where you stand on just principles.
I actually have no idea what you're talking about. "Feminism is equality, so if you don't value equal rights for everyone" - huh??
Not every feminist speaks for every woman, since every country/sexual orientation/socioeconomic group is different....but I don't even think that's the lack of equal rights you're referring to.
"but I don't even think..." that's why you are on Eddie's team.