I’d tell you what parenting is really like, but I’m too busy rocking in the corner.
I’d show you some really cute pictures of my kids. But I can’t, because I’ve lost the will to move my limbs.
I would recall an adorable anecdote about that hilarious thing they said this to me this morning, but all I can summon up is a bleak void where my life used to be.
You see, I am a parent of little children, and apparently, I am miserable beyond belief.
It’s not just me. It’s official.
In Germany, more than 2000 people were interviewed over a period of several years as part of a social survey – before they became parents and in the first few years of parenthood, and were asked to rate their own happiness during that time.
On average, researchers Rachel Margolis and Mikko Myrskylä found that in the first year of life, parents’ levels of happiness were “devastatingly bad — worse than divorce, worse than unemployment and worse even than the death of a partner.”
Yes. Really.
The researchers found that the couples started out rating themselves as pretty happy with their lives, and in the year of pregnancy, they became happier still. SO MUCH TO LOOK FORWARD TO.
And then… the crash. As soon as that little blanket bundle was handed to them, the couples’ happiness levels plummeted. Well, for 70 per cent of them, anyway. The couples’ results varied, with the “worst-hit” being parents over the age of 30 with a higher education.
Top Comments
I agree with the first part, but what if you don't get the payoff? I love my child so much but I've never gotten the part where I go, ahhh yes, this is why it's all worth it...
The second child doesn't bring anywhere near the level of loss and change as the first. Being a first time parent is super super hard! But it's also wonderfully joyous, the best thing and the hardest thing you will ever do. But parenthood not being ANY fun at all? Come on, what about those smiles and those first laughs and that delicious smelling head. Let's stop feeling sorry for ourselves. When you have kids your life changes. It called growing up.