
This tiny detail in the teaser for next week's Game of Thrones episode has fans freaking out.

Warning: spoilers are coming (obviously) so if you aren’t up to do date on everything Game of Thrones, back away slowly.

Or click here to read the most OMG-worthy moments from the season 7 premiere.

Yes, we know it’s barely been 24 hours since the newest season of Game of Thrones hit our screens.

But we waited three months longer than usual to watch it (and some Aussies waited even longer thanks to a rather unfortunate Foxtel crash) and the season premiere left us with so many questions that we’re already counting down the hours until episode two.

We're as impatient as Daenerys waiting to get to Westeros.

Like, why the heck was Ed Sheeran there? After her epic House Frey slaughter, who will Arya kill next?

And why the heck was there so much...poo in this episode?

Clare Stephens recaps the last season of Game of Thrones in 90 seconds on The Binge. Post continues...

Thankfully, the Game of Thrones gods (i.e. HBO and friends) released a sneak peak of episode two, Stormborn, right after the show's credits finishing rolling.

While it looks as though things are heating up between the Lannisters and Daenerys Targaryen, there's another blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment in the 30-second teaser that has fans losing their collective minds.

It seems one of the show's most beloved characters will be seen for the first time since season one.

Sorry Gendry, we're talking about Arya Stark's direwolf, Nymeria.


Arya's beloved pet has been MIA since season one, when she forced Nymeria to flee after she bit Joffrey's arm.

Nymeria's disappearance is the reason Sansa's direwolf, Lady, was executed by Queen Cersei.

Since there are (presumably) only two Stark direwolves left living—Nymeria and Jon Snow's Ghost—the return is an important sign of what could be coming for the Stark family.


Plus, dogs are cute and no one is going to say no to having more of them on screen, right?



While most fans were very, very excited about Nymeria's return, others are wary of why she is being brought back six seasons later.


Unfortunately, Australian fans will have to wait until 11 am Monday, July 24, to find out exactly what Nymeria's turn holds in store.

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