Parenting can be tough if you and your partner are not on the same page. You might think they’re too hard on the kids... or too lenient. You might hate being the bad cop all the time. Or you might find yourself siding with the children against the other parent because you just don’t agree with how they’ve handled something.
Children, especially adolescents, appear to love this chasm opening between you and they soon learn who to approach to get a "yes".
But in reality, they would rather have a unified approach (at least on the surface) because then they know where the boundaries are, and boundaries feel safe.
Watch: The Mamamia team share the things they've been keeping from their partners. Post continues after video.
Why do we expect to parent the same way as our partner? We are two individuals with our own families of origin. Most of us love some things about our own childhoods, and we want to carry on the traditions. But there are other elements of our upbringing that we are determined not to replicate when we have children.
So what happens when these two individuals with their own backgrounds try to create a new parenting recipe? Some couples stumble and fall but get back up again, while others fight non-stop.