Pubes. Lady garden. Bush. Bald eagle. Landing strip. Muff. Brazilian. Mons pubis.
These are just some of the names women use to describe their pubic hair.
Despite what society (or a former partner) might’ve told you, there’s no ‘right’ way to have your pubes. Just as no vagina is the same (like lovely, fleshy snowflakes), pubic hair grooming is deeply personal.
Before we get stuck into the bushes, here’s a full and very hairy history of women’s pubic hair. Post continues after video.
Any mainstream porn video will have you believe a hairless labia is sexiest, and some women agree. Some prefer being hairless or maintaining a close trim because it makes them feel more confident, cleaner and better prepared to jump into swimmers at a moment’s notice.
Others purposely maintain a full, well-groomed bush as they feel it looks more womanly. Then, there are those who do absolutely nothing to their pubes out of laziness, being time poor or generally not giving two hoots.
To learn more about what women are doing with their hair ‘down there’ in 2020, we asked 52 Mamamia readers to draw their pubic hair for us. Yep, we actually made them sketch their pubes.
Top Comments
I'm bare. I prefer it for myself. Started shaving when I was 14 and have since had laser and now rarely need to go even for a top up treatment. Coincidentally, i was a virgin until 22, so it's not like I started doing it for a man. Although I must say I preferred my partners and now my husband to wax or be very well trimmed. It's a deal breaker for oral for me, I can't stand hair tickling my nose. Sorry, that's just the way I am. Luckily my hubby agrees.