Hi. My name is Lauren Williamson, and I’m addicted to coffee.
There, I said it. Acceptance is the first step towards recovery, right?
But let’s be real. It’s not an addiction I’ll be giving up any time soon.
Although maths was never my strong point in school (my old teachers would say that’s an understatement) I recently did a few calculations about my coffee consumption.
While my brain didn’t thank me for the exertion, my wallet and the environment certainly did.
I figured out that I am using around three pods a day, every day of the year. Subtract a few coffee-free days and add a few double strength pick-me-ups here and there and I’m using around 1,000 pods a year.
Now, using a personal coffee machine has certainly reduced the cost of my habit but there was one thing I hadn’t really considered before- the environmental impact of my coffee consumption.
I am one of more than one million households in Australia that have a coffee pod machine.
Just as an FYI, you should know that is an advertorial for ecoCaffe. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.
Australians consume up to 3 million coffee capsules per day on average – enough to fill an Olympic swimming pool every 14 days. These aluminium capsules can take 150 years to biodegrade with plastic capsules taking anywhere near 500 years to break down.
That means my rubbish will still be around when my great-great-great-great grandkids come along. And that’s scary.
I do everything in my power to lessen my impact on the environment: I recycle, I walk to work and I use solar energy. Why shouldn’t my coffee addiction reflect that as well?
So I made sure it did. I found ecoCaffe, which is the exclusive distributor for Ethical Coffee Company in Australia.
Top Comments
Gah…Espresso! Can't believe I said expresso!! Totally off topic but I'm always posting before reading comments through and revealing the most embarrassing mistakes. Also if I had the chance I would delete 'much more' from that last sentence. These un-deletable, un-editable comments are excruciating for a pedant like me!
I reckon as long as you cop to the mistakes with good grace, then no one can think the worse of you :)
The funniest thing is my original comment isn't even here! While I might have your attention, am I missing anything? Can you delete a post once you've pressed that arrow, Zepgirl?
Other than contacting MM and kindly asking for it to be removed, I don't think you can.
You may have just got lucky!
Don't worry, a lot of people in the UK call it 'expresso' without even realising they're saying it wrong!