
Hey public transport rulers, can you please turn up the air-con?

Last night I felt a little annoyed towards the kind bus driver who always smiles at me after a big day and who always waits to let me on as I’m running, bags in hand, towards my stop.

I know my grievances weren’t his fault, and my ill will towards him wasn’t justified, but I couldn’t help it.

You see, I have an issue with the temperature of all the buses I’ve been riding recently. They’re freezing. Ice-cream section of the supermarket kind of freezing. Jack and Rose clinging onto the life raft in Titanic kind of cold.

I’m not talking about a chilly waft of air-con meeting me as I step on, lately I’ve been greeted by an arctic gale.

I spend the journey home with my flimsy autumn-appropriate jacket (that was doing just fine to regulate my temperature while in the office and outdoors) hugged around me as though my life depends on it.

Watch: Paula Joye’s suggestions for how to winter-fy your wardrobe. (Post continues after video.)

I attempt to pretend I can still feel my hands as my frozen fingers try in vain to turn the pages of my book. I tell myself that placing my heavy handbag on my legs to prevent frostbite setting in is not an inconvenience.


I know, I know, huge first world problem. I get that. But would it kill our transport overlords to recognise that the weather is getting a little cooler? Winter’s almost here and yet our transport system is still catering for 40 degree days. A subsequent change in the air-con strategy might be a good idea?

Please tell me I’m not the only one who needs to pack a coat solely for my commutes at the beginning and end of the day?


Seriously. I shouldn't have to dress like this to survive my commute. (Image: iStock)

When speaking to the Mamamia office about my bus’ icy conditions, it turned out I wasn't alone. However, my public transport air-con woes were met with both agreeing nods and vehement opposition.

“Bring a jumper!” some declared. Fair point, well made. Please refer to my coat revelation above.

“My brother's theory is that they do it to ‘preserve the old people’,” mused another.

I’m no doctor but this could be plausible.


Some spoke of preferring to be cold to overheating — particularly when you're also dealing with the warm onion breath of the person sitting behind you.

“I swear they must have two settings on the train: freezer or inferno,” another piped up. And I agree.

So, people who work in the Temperature Regulation Departments of our public transport companies, I beg you, please consider turning the temperature dial up.

And if this isn’t an option, a window we could open wouldn’t go astray.

Is public transport to cold for you too?