I’m about to share a very important cooking tip with you.
You know cocktail frankfurts? Those pink, sausage-esque type almost-meat products from childhood? When I was a little girl, cocktail frankfurts were like fine dining for me, and for some reason they tasted even better when then were on the end of a toothpick.
Mum would put them on the boil the morning of my birthday party and I’d know it was almost time for everyone to arrive and for me to be the centre of attention, a novelty in my four-child household. But better than that, better than seeing all of my friends and the presents they would bring was the fact that Mum would let me eat all the cocktail frankfurts that had split their skins.
Nothing has ever tasted so delicious as those forbidden, unexpected cocktail frankfurts smothered in tomato sauce.
Since I was little, party foods have changed, but I still find myself serving up a few of my own childhood favourites at my children’s birthday parties. Get ready for your mouths to water and your minds to be flooded with memories…
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Comfort classics Yum.
Fairy bread is the best! I'm 30 and I'll never say no to fairy bread or indeed eating sprinkles out of the jar straight!