Even as I type this, I can scarcely believe it’s true, but - I’ve caught COVID twice, in 21 days.
To say that I feel hard done by is an understatement. I am double vaccinated and I tested positive the first time, smack bang before the holidays, in the most horribly perfect little window that would ensure I spent both Christmas and New Year’s isolating.
When I was eventually discharged by NSW Health after 13 days at home, I was told that I’d had the Delta strain, and assured that my sense of taste and smell would return soon. Losing both had its ups and downs.
Watch how to protect yourself against coronavirus. Post continues after video.
Being unable to enjoy the flavour of foods had made life seem temporarily futile, but my dog happily and comfortably snoozed on my pillow every night - a rare luxury, permissible only by the fact I was no longer phased by the pervasive stench of his breath.
Every cloud!
Delta, whilst rough, had been substantially less shit than I had expected. I had cracking fevers, a bastard headache, chills, fatigue and the overarching feeling that this is what it must be like to get hit by a truck. I had no appetite, slept entire days away - but at no point did I feel like I may end up in hospital fighting for my life. Go, vaccines!
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