Not convinced, here’s the evidence.
By Kim Simon for Mama By The Bay.
For many women, birth either involves an actual human getting pushed out of your vagina, or an actual human getting pulled from your womb through an honest-to-goodness operation. That you are most likely awake for.
Yes, babies are “supposed” to be born through the appropriate exit door. I am well aware of the statistics that show how women are sometimes coerced into C-sections. Not every woman who has a C-section “needs” one, regardless of what your definition of “needs” is. Yes, we should trust our bodies. Yes, we were born to do this. Yes, doulas and midwives are amazing and an integral part of the puzzle that leads to empowered birth. Yes, C-sections can sometimes affect early breastfeeding relationships. Yes, some women hate their scars. Yes, we need to educate women about how to labour effectively and what labour is really like, and what is normal and what is not and what coercion sounds like and on and on and on and VAGINA.
If after all of that, you have a C-section, or (gasp) just want a C-section…
You are not broken.
Your scar is a prologue. You are still in charge of writing the chapters that follow. Your motherhood journey belongs to you.
No one should co-opt your C-section story for their birth agenda. Just like shaming women about how they breastfeed or formula-feed is anti-feminist, so is shaming them and questioning them about how they birth.
Epidural? Good for you. Home birth after a C-section? Rock on, Mama. Pitocin on a slow drip because it’s time to birth this baby? Phenomenal. Burning sage by your kneecaps while upside-down on an ironing board? Ten years ago I would’ve thought it was some kinky sex trick, but now, I say, “turn that breech baby, mama, turn him around.” Planned C-section because you have a serious medical condition? Pick that birth date, my friend. Unexpected C-section because your labour never progressed? There are mesh panties at the end of this for you, my dear. We all get the same party favours once our bundle of joy arrives.