Excuse me, but handbags have been oppressing women since 1841 and I for one have had enough of it.
A man named Samuel Parkinson from Scotland decided one day that his wife needed a bigger bag (she… didn’t) and thus invented one. She likely rolled her eyes and put it in the back of her wardrobe. But somehow, the handbag blew up.
You know what handbags do? They slow women down. We’re always readjusting the stupid straps that do not at all sit naturally on our arms or torso.
Furthermore, they are full of unidentifiable sh*t. Pen lids, of pens you swear you never owned. Matches, even though you don’t smoke. Combs and empty pill packets and tangled headphones and unopened mail. Your handbag is always heavier than the sum of it’s contents and it doesn’t make sense.
Top Comments
That gold bumbag reminds me of Fran's grandmother on The Nanny
It would go perfectly with a multi coloured sequin jacket!
Never will a bum-bag say anything but drug dealer to me............and they look ridiculous!
Well I remember in 90s, bodybuilders used to wear them. So is that what they used to keep in there?
I don't know where you grew up Simple Simon but there were no bodybuilders wearing bum bags where I lived!
Sure I saw that on American TV shows & movies but not in my home town - bum bags were strictly drug dealers!
Steroids and extra sachets of protein powder. Lots dealers pump iron though as they’ve got no “job” to go to anyway - as I recollect from my party girl days.
I was in Melbourne in the '90s and I can assure you they used to wear them all the time. (Along with the balloon sweatpants, they even used to wear them in the gymnaseum while they were exersizing.) https://uploads.disquscdn.c...