In further evidence that celebrities live in an alternate reality in which money is directly related to the absurd, Brad Pitt has bid $US120,000 ($A168,000) to watch an episode of Game of Thrones with the dragon queen herself Emilia Clarke… And he lost.
Before you start thinking this is some strange, fantasy-come-reality fetish, it’s for charity, thank goodness. For charity.
It all went down when fellow actor Sean Penn held a gala in Los Angeles to raise money for Haiti after it was hit hard in September by Hurricane Irma – the most powerful Atlantic Ocean hurricane in recorded history, The Guardian reports.
The Saturday night gala included a silent auction during which Pitt, 54, bid six figures to watch a Game of Thrones episode with 31-year-old Clarke, who was also in attendance along with her co-star Kit Harington.
(Why no one was bidding to sit with Harington for an episode of GoT is beyond us. Perhaps due to his antics while drinking caught on camera in New York over the weekend?)
LISTEN: Game of Thrones Season 7 final unpacked. Post continues below.
The auction to watch the episode with Clarke started at $US20,000, but the race quickly escalated.
At one point, the auctioneer yelled out “Is the King of the North here?!” But as it turned out, Harington had stepped out of the gala to go to the restroom, AAP reports.
Meanwhile, Pitt bid $US80,000 to watch an episode of GoT with Clarke. Then he outbid himself to $US90,000…
We can’t say we blame him. She is, after all, the wonderful and formidable Daenerys Targaryen, Queen of Dragons, whose hairstyles are matched only by her kickassery.
When Harington came back into the room, the actor also offered to also sit in on the episode viewing. And that’s when Pitt raised his own bid to $US120,000.
Unfortunately, it was all for nothing. And, in the end, Pitt was outbid by a gala-goer who ended the auction at $US160,000. Oh, if only.