Pores. We spend hours looking at them in the mirror (or in video chat meetings) and hundreds of dollars trying to get rid of them.
Whether you feel like yours are too big or too greasy, or that they take up a rude amount of real estate on your nose, every single one of us has pores on our faces. And we’d bet almost every single one of us has also Googled ‘hot to get rid of pores’ at least once.
WATCH: Here are seven ways to improve your skin while you sleep, post continues after video.
Yes, we spend a lot of energy complaining about our pores, but have you ever stopped to wonder… what are pores and what do they actually do?
Turns out, pores are pretty misunderstood. They have feelings, too. But once you get to know your pores, you can come to an arrangement whereby they do all the important things they’re meant to, without bothering the rest of your face.
Keep scrolling for every single question you’ve ever had about your pores, answered.
What are pores and what is their purpose?
Biologi’s Dermal Specialist Lucy Macdougald says while pores can be bloody annoying, especially if you have really visible ones, they actually do a few jobs to keep you and your skin healthy.
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