It takes about six months of parenthood to master the art of doing pretty-much anything one-handed.
Cooking dinner, changing beds, expressing milk, updating Facebook statuses… all easily done with a child under your other arm once you know what you’re doing.
But sometimes, to get things done, you just need to Put. The. Kid. Down.
Not so, it seems, if you’re a committed baby-wearer. Once you’ve mastered the art of tying one of those epic wraps around yourself and your little person of choice, you need never let the neediness of your infant get in the way of the two-handed activity of your dreams.
To prove this point, and to celebrate International Babywearing Week (yes, it’s a thing) this band of American classical musician parents got together, thanks to Wrap Your Baby founder Diana Rosenfield, and played Beethoven’s Ode To Joy, while never letting their children’s feet touch the floor.
The oddly-soothing video has since been viewed many thousands of times.
How did they do it?
Top Comments
"It’s International Babywearing Week."
I keep misreading that as BabySwearing Week - the week where high-pitched little voices are piping up with Puck! and Thitt!
So I live in Vienna, and here, baby-wearing is extremely common. Not because Austrians are a bunch of hippy, co-sleeping, attachment parents, but because it's damned convenient. Especially as the majority of the population travels by public transport. I used a Marsupi carrier (much easier than a wrap because it is velcro) with my first child. It was a godsend because she would only sleep upright until her reflux was brought under control. I will definitely be using it again when my second arrives in 6 weeks. It is about practicality, not whether you are a crunchy mummy, which from the tone of some of the articles written about it, seems to be what many people associate it with.