
Searching for inspiration for your baby's name? Open the dictionary.

My name was almost ‘Bliss’.

That’s right, when I popped out into the world my parents had grand plans to name me after an emotion. A genuine sense of euphoria, to be exact.

And now, all those years later, my parents are finally in good company…

According to Nameberry, a new set of less-than-conventional baby names are on the up and up, and they all have one thing in common – the dictionary.

The trendiest babycino-sipping, kale-munching kids at daycare, will soon be sporting these shiny new names. (Post continues after gallery)…

Yes, these are the top 13 names – or ‘words’ – that American parents are picking, choosing and selecting for their very own little offspring. Because what little girl, or boy for that matter, wouldn’t want to be named after an electronic reading device?

What do you think of the latest baby naming trend?