I think I have learned more in the past eight months than I ever have in my whole life.
When my son, Alexander, was a newborn, I felt like I was on The Amazing Race, or Survivor, except keeping a baby clean/fed/warm/alive was the name of the game. Thankfully (with the help of the internet and other experienced mums) we made it through.
Then all of a sudden he wasn’t teeny tiny anymore and it was time for him to eat real food. Which meant more learning, and quickly. I mean, have you ever seen how quickly and thoroughly a baby can squish a piece of banana in their pudgy little hand? It’s actually impressive.
Here’s what else I learned.
They start solids way earlier than I thought.
A girlfriend gave me a (beautiful) set of a teeny bowl, plate and cutlery for my baby shower. The card read “Trust me, you’ll need these sooner than you think”.
And she was right.
I felt like I had just got the hang of having a newborn and then BAM!…my baby was four and a half months old and it was time to start solids. In my head I think I imagined him being 18 months before food was introduced. Oh, how little I knew.
TIP: It’s very likely that your baby will start solids before they can sit. That was the case with my son, Alexander. His paediatrician said it’s fine to feed him purees in the bouncer so long as he is carefully supervised – before he can sit in a highchair.
Top Comments
I'm always amazed at the amount and type of food a baby can get through when they have no teeth yet! My SIL would give my nephew something, and I would say "can he eat that already?" - you just bloody watch him go!
Seventh thing: it's kind of gross to see a kid literally plastered in food. Most of your friends who like the pictures you post of your child in said state are just being polite.