I know it’s not Amy Schumer’s job to be all things to all women. I know that.
We’ve grown to love Schumer for poking fun at sexism and being unapologetically flawed and human in her stand-up and her sketch comedy show Inside Amy Schumer.
So a film seemed like the logical next step for the woman described by GQ as the “funniest, gutsiest comedian in America”.
She may have written Trainwreck, her new Judd Apatow-directed film, but Schumer is worth so much more than this rom-com.
Going in, what I wanted was a celebration of the anti-manic-pixie-dream-girl, the antithesis of the “cool girl”, coined by Gillian Flynn in Gone Girl – in other words, a real, live human.
At first, that’s what I got.
Schumer’s character in the film is Amy Townsend. Film-Amy is a sex-loving, weed-smoking boozer with a great job in New York as a writer for lad’s mag S’nuff (article: Does garlic make semen taste different?).
She’s also kind of a jerk. She cheats on the guy who wants to marry her, sneaks out of bed so she doesn’t have to spoon, and deliberately alienates her sister (Brie Larson), who loves her most. She makes endless fun of her sister’s small stepson. She’s complex.
Her behaviour can be explained somewhat by the first scene in the film, a flashback to when she and her little sister are kids.
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“I don’t know why we treat these athletes like heroes just ’cause they can skate fast or kick a ball in a net. I just think it’s weird. No offence. I just think that sports are stupid and anyone who likes them is just a lesser person,” she tells him, echoing my sentiments almost exactly.
Why do we treat ANYONE like heroes, really? Why do you have to treat Schumer like a hero because she can tell a joke good? Why does anyone treat Julia Gillard like a hero because she can politics good? Why does anyone treat J K Rowling good because she can write words good?
Because we all know that those women are exceptional because they are really good at what they do and they are worthy of praise because we know that those fields are extremely competitive and that to succeed in it takes exceptional skill and expertise in doing what they do. It baffles me as to how people don't get this.
Didnt the Matildas get lauded on this website a few days ago because they kicked ass in the world cup? And thats a good thing because they represented Australia and they are exceptionally good at their trade. You could try and kick a ball with them to realise exactly why they are heroes. Because they posses an exceptional amount of agility, athleticism, smarts and just overall talent and its no mean feat to be that good.
As someone that has been a life long aspiring sports person who still thinks the big break through is just a step away, I can appreciate what a skill and what sort of dedication, talent, hard work it takes to become an elite sports person.
As to you thinking that someone is lesser for thinking sport is great and sportspeople are heroes, well, I am actually sub human. :)
Seriously? If you met a guy in his 30's who was kind of a jerk, who drank a lot, who was constantly stoned, and the only things in the pro column were 'employed' and 'funny', would you think that guy's a catch?
No one wants to be in a relationship with that person in their thirties. It's hard enough just maintaining a casual friendship with that kind of person, a real relationship with them would just be soul crushing.
Couldn't have said it better myself Kate. A mid-30s anyone who constantly drinks, smokes pot, sleeps around, behaves immaturely isn't attractive in any way, shape or form.