When I started dating my first serious boyfriend, I had really messed up views on how relationships should be.
I was adamant that there was a “perfect” way to relationship, and I knew how to do it! It included several rom-com style ridiculousness, like sitting on the same side of the booth at restaurants and never devolving into small chat. Always going deep!
Watch: Mamamia confessions – Our relationship dealbreakers. Post continues below.
He played along for, really, longer than you might think, and then he dumped me.
“You’re too controlling,” he told me.
That was not the last time I would hear that. It was a pattern that came to define how I thought about my early relationships: I knew how to have a perfect relationship, and if I could just find the “right” guy (aka a doormat), then we would have one and live happily ever after.
Before I took myself to therapy and did some real work, being “controlling” was a toxic behaviour I carried into each of my romantic relationships.
A relationship can only be as healthy as its unhealthiest member. If you keep being in toxic relationships, it could be because you keep picking bad people, but it could also be because you might be, like I was, bringing in some toxic behaviours.