Alan Jones, a man who has fantasised on radio about disposing of women’s bodies in chaff bags, hanging them above the streets of Sydney, and suffocating them with socks, would like us all to be a little more careful with our language, please.
“The language used about me is just extraordinary,” the 2GB broadcaster said in an interview with Nine News on Tuesday.
The vocal criticism has come in response to Jones’ suggestion that Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison “shove a sock” down the throat of New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, in order to silence her on the subject of climate change.
Alan Jones speaks to Nine News. Post continues below.
“Here she is preaching on global warming and saying that we’ve got to do something about climate change,” the 78-year-old said on his breakfast program on Thursday.
“I just wonder whether Scott Morrison is going to be fully briefed to shove a sock down her throat.”
But alas. It is us, most of whom do not have a microphone, or a $4 million annual salary from our nationally syndicated radio show, who ought to think twice about the “language” we choose to use.
Top Comments
Hilarious. Isn’t he the biggest proponent of Freedom of Speech? Isn’t that why he defended old mate Israel Folou? Seems as though he wants his Free Speech but everyone else to remain silent. You know what I have to say? Your opinions are archaic and not relevant any more, we think you’re a joke.
Like Trump, Jones is a narcissist who has an inability to self-reflect because to do so would result in a complete breakdown. The shame back there would be enormous. It's much easier to project the criticism onto others. We can only look forward to the day when Jones' audience dies off (not too much longer) or when politicians get the balls to get rid of him. Anyone can express outrage. It doesn't make it a worthwhile occupation that someone should get paid for. He and his mate Bolt are an absolute waste of space in our progressive society.