Abby and Brittany Hensel's lives as conjoined twins have long been documented.
The now 34-year-olds became household names on their 2012 TLC show Abby & Brittany. By then, they'd already appeared on Oprah as young kids, Joined for Life as teenagers and were pretty recognisable for those (like me), who grew up following their story.
In recent years, they've remained pretty under the radar. Which is probably why the media is only now cottoning on to the fact the twins have recently celebrated a big life milestone: marriage!
Before we get to that, let's take a look back at their lives.
"We flip a coin."
Abby and Brittany were born in 1990 to parents Patty and Mike Hensel in a small farming town in Minnesota.
Their parents didn't even know they were having twins until Patty was giving birth, but despite the initial surprise the couple were unfazed by the challenges ahead; they were instantly in love with their little girls.
Brittany and Abby are dicephalic parapagus twins, a very rare condition which gives them the appearance of having two heads on one body. They each have their own heart, stomach, spine and lungs but share a bladder a bloodstream and genitals. They control one leg and one arm each.
Their parents were given the option of separating them, but death or severe disability in one or both of the girls was a potential side effect and so surgery was off the table.
Survival with their condition is considered rare, but the Hensels haven't just survived, they've had perfectly normal, ordinary lives.
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