User Comments

armae May 23, 2024

@jeoh yep, 15 minutes. There's a GP shortage in Tasmania so finding a clinic with availability is really hard. I guess with the demand, they feel they can charge whatever they like. At least mine is good at her job, but I have to space appointments out more than I'd like. I've hunted around other practices and the prices are similar. One place nearby charges $110 but their books are closed. 

armae May 21, 2024

As a Tasmanian, I can believe that we spend the most. It costs me $180.00 to see my GP and I get $79.70 back from Medicare, so I'm $100.30 out of pocket each time. I have to see her every six to eight weeks. There's a lot of buck passing, GPs saying it's Medicare's fault for not rebating enough, government saying GPs are overcharging. I shouldn't have to wait to hit my Medicare safety net to afford adequate health care.

armae May 16, 2024

Such a good article, this needs to be talked about. I've been in similar situations to both Chloe and Talita, and as a result I exclusively play single player or couch co-op with friends. 

Back when I was growing up, I loved video games but even beloved male family members would say it was 'weird' for a 'girl to play video games'. It's a hobby, why can't it be normalised? Because of misogyny. Things are better than they were 30 years ago but we have a long way to go. 

armae April 23, 2024

Bravo!! This is everything I would want to say to my own mother about diet culture. 

armae April 12, 2024

A good article, but in a similar vein to the last post about millennial income, I would have been liked to hear from people who are earning less than $40,000, like myself. I am glad that people are doing well and have savings but I feel like this is looking only at people above the poverty line. 

armae March 21, 2024

I'm so pleased to see this being talked about. I agree with Simon - if you have migraines, consider getting a referral to see a neurologist - they have so many more treatment options available than GPs do. I waited too long to see mine and it could have saved me so much literal pain. 

armae March 5, 2024

I really feel for Lucy and can relate. I have chronic migraine, endometriosis and PCOS and it has been debilitating. My hormonal migraines are the most painful and severe.

I didn't realise how much a neurologist could help - I didn't seek one out until my migraines went from 15 a month to daily.
I had my first round of migraine specific Botox treatment from the doctor last month and it's already reduced my migraines by about a third, and reduced the severity of the attacks. The second and third treatments apparently are more successful and can potentially reduce the attacks by at least 50%, so I'm hopeful that the next treatment will help even more.
I hope more people will be aware that migraine is not 'just a headache', as Lucy said. I heard that far too much in my life. Anyone who has had migraine knows how awful it is and how much chronic migraine affects quality of life. Best wishes to Lucy, I hope that more treatment options and awareness increase in the future. To anyone else suffering, you're not alone.

armae February 16, 2024

"Therapy is also different for everyone, but the goal is the same: to be 'fixed' or at least have the tools to perhaps get there, eventually."

This is a really black and white statement to make. I realise that this is likely intended as a generalised article and not intentionally taking aim at those who are vulnerable and require mental health services long term, but there is some casual judgement implied here that there is something 'broken' to be 'fixed'.

"And stopping therapy when it's appropriate for you isn't just good for your wallet, it opens up spots for someone else who needs the service more than you do."
People who are vulnerable and may already feel guilty for taking up resources due to their mental health don't need added doubt about whether or not it's appropriate to stop because others may be more deserving.
I think it's important to be mindful of the influence these articles can have to perpetuate mental health stigma and in future would benefit from being handled more sensitively.