
Seven Year Switch's Jackie finally found out that Tim's tattoo is 100% real.

On tonight’s episode of Seven Year Switch the experimental couples finally met each other’s partners and to say it was full of tension is an understatement. Yet nothing can compare to Jackie’s explosion when she finally found out her partner Tim’s tattoo, who he got with switch partner Tallena, was 100% real.

Sitting across a table from Jackie, Tallena proceeded to tell her that the matching tattoos they got were not fake, as Jackie has initially suspected. “Well then Tim and I are over. Done,” Jackie said. “Are you serious? Why?” Tallena asked.

“If he wants to get a rise out of me that bad that he’s willing to get a tattoo with you, then yeah, he can get f*cked. I would never in a million years get a tattoo with someone else’s partner. He deliberately did it to get me jealous and that’s just going too far,” Jackie responded.

“I don’t think he was thinking of it like that. He honestly seems to think it would not worry you at all,” Tallena suggested.

“I’m true to my words. Nup over, I’m done. Over. He can get f*cked. As far as I’m concerned we’re done,” Jackie said.


It was all smiles with Jackie and Tallena at first. Image via Channel Seven. 

"I've seen him come so far in the house like he actually talks about his feelings now," Tallena said trying to rectify the situation.

"He's told me he loves me about maybe three or four times in three and a half years and one of those times was because my father passed away so it doesn't even count. That's what I've realised maybe I need to do better because he doesn't give a shit. I've put everything into this relationship," Jackie said as she broke down in tears.

Jackie was not at all happy with Tim. Post continues after video...

Video via Channel 7

Speaking to the camera Jackie added, "I'm furious about it I don't think I could ever forgive him for it. He would have to turn that dice into a massive 'Jackie' and even then I don't know if I could forgive him."

"You can't undo a tattoo. A tattoo is forever and that's symbolism of him not caring about me forever for me forever on his foot and so unless that tattoo is removed by the time I see him, I want nothing to do with him."

"I don't even really care what Tim has to say anymore. Right now, Tim is dead to me. A tattoo for me is the last straw I think he really crossed the line. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned," Jackie concluded.


Jackie. Image via Channel Seven.

Tim previously didn't think Jackie would be too fazed by his new ink, saying, "I don't think she's going to be to concerned about it." Tallena was also worried that her involvement might have Jackie on the attack when they met. "Do you think Jackie would have a go at me?" she asked.

When Tallena's partner Brad and Jackie were first shown the pictures, she was reluctant to believe the tattoos were legit. "That's not real. That's not real," she said. " That's not a real tattoo."

"The tattoo pictures," Jackie said to camera, "Now this one really struck a chord in me and hit a nerve."

"There's no way in a million years I ever would have thought before this experiment that he would actually go through with something like that."

For Jackie, the tattoo is a massive betrayal and it's not looking good for her relationship with Tim.