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talezassian May 26, 2024

@rush I felt the same way when I first saw it reported. I understand that’s it’s a matter of the technical definition, but it’s absolutely for the same underlying causes. I have to wonder whether the perpetrator would have acted differently if the father had still been alive and present - at this mindset that acts against women.

talezassian May 7, 2024

My first thought is that this is pretty much the definition of the term "unreliable narrator".

talezassian November 4, 2023

@laura__palmer watch some of the current coverage of American NFL when the Kansas City Chiefs play and Taylor Swift is at the game

talezassian June 21, 2023

@loz86 What sort of details are you looking for, and where are you looking for them? There are several articles on Mamamia - including the above - and elsewhere, such as the Parliamentary report or the Law Council of Australia's statement - see,The%20purpose%20of%20the%20Constitution%20Alteration%20(Aboriginal%20and%20Torres%20Strait,Torres%20Strait%20Islander%20Voice%20(the and,Parliament%2C%20to%20consult%20the%20Voice.

talezassian November 11, 2022

I guess that’s what can happen when participants are looking for love rather than celebrity 

talezassian November 9, 2022

I doubt this is going to last even a year, but maybe they’ll prove me wrong.

talezassian July 2, 2022

I had tried it all over the years.
No you haven't. You've never actually just told him how important your birthday is to you and that you'd like to celebrate it. You've told him the opposite, in fact - told him to not make a fuss. And then been disappointed when he's accepted your communication at face value and acting in a way that makes sense to him and not made a fuss.

Husbands are not psychic - we can't read minds. Your communication sounds great in most other areas - why can't you just tell him how much a present for your birthday means to you? Have you been afraid that he'll think you're shallow and materialistic? Do you think he'll take it as an accusation or criticism? It doesn't have to be either of those things if you just explain how you feel about it: if he loves you  (and it sounds like he does), THEN he'll do something about it to make you happy.


talezassian July 2, 2022

Can't help but think she's had a massive uptick in demand for her services over the last few years with the unrestrained freedom of sports betting companies to advertise their prodict during sporting events and online. My 14 yr old daughter  and I found it disappointingly hilarious that we could repeat the scripts of ads from multiple companies. But remember! Gamble responsibly! Even though it's fun and you can parlay your expertise into massively profitable multibets!

talezassian July 2, 2022

You do know that there is actually a movie about this, except with gender roles reversed: it's called "Good Luck Chuck". I don't think it's a particularly good movie, since the premise is that being "the one before the one" makes Chuck particularly attractive to ladies wanting to meet their One makes it less rom com and more teenage boy fantasy.

talezassian March 17, 2022

This is about as surprising as Jimmy Savile being a pedophile. How about we stop publicising and promoting these sort of people before looking more deeply into who they actually are?

talezassian March 17, 2022

Red Heart Campaign founder and senior journalist Sherele Moody noted: "It's easy to say things [at home] were normal, but none of us knows what is going on behind closed doors. One of the clear things my research into violent deaths shows is that domestic violence murders never happen in a vacuum - there's always precursors."
So, what are the precursors in this instance? I don't see anything that the school noticed or anything that neighbours noticed. They seem far more hidden in this case, so let's not make assumptions about the father or assume guilt - I'm far more worried about the instances where people can see it coming from a mile away and STILL nothing happens to prevent it. When women have filed AVOs and they are ignored; where they report it to the police and they can't or won't do anything, or where the laws don't protect against coercive contorl or define consent adequately. 

talezassian March 13, 2022

Trying to imagine what it would be like for one of my 14 year old daughter's school friends turned up on our doorstep asking to stay the night - given the demographic and the distance, I don't think it would ever happen. But I'd like to think we would let her stay and try and get her the help she needed.

talezassian February 13, 2022

@reannon I understand why the part of their friendship where they'd support each other through such things isn't for public consumption, but it still makes me sad that Leigh and Brendan couldn't make their partnership work through the times when she perhaps needed it the most. That's not necessarily anyone's fault, but equally it doesn't mean that I don't mourn what they were to each other, what they were to their children, and even though I think it's going to be okay that it's still a little sad. James TW's song "When You Love Someone" somehow feels appropriate for the situation...

talezassian February 10, 2022

@reannon Yeah, I discovered Chat 10 Looks 3 a few months ago and then went back to listen from episode 1: I've really enjoyed it, but I had hoped for some more insight into what happened to her marriage - maybe she'll mention something in Any Ordinary Day, which I've also just started reading. Seems like she had significant trauma in a short space of time and something just had to give.

talezassian January 14, 2022

I feel more compassion now for Serena: she's the best female tennis player ever, but a part of that was an arrogance that made her an ungracious loser. I can see how this may be a coping technique with what her father did to her. I think it's a tragedy what he did to those girls: where is the care for either their happiness or the sort of people they will be? I think that's more important than how well they can play tennis.

talezassian January 13, 2022

We were driving down the coast for a 7 day break when my kids played a song that I heard for the first time: James TW's "When You Love Someone" ~ this article reminds me very much of that song. Undoubtedly sometimes mums & dads need to go their separate ways while both still loving their kids, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt or that they wish that it could have been somehow different in an alternative universe somewhere out there. It makes me emotional: I'm so glad that you're working it out and wish you all the strength and love in the world to share with both your kids and your step-kids.

talezassian December 29, 2021

@flyingdale flier It's not just rom-coms, it's also pretty much every single "reality" TV show - the Bachelor/-ette, Married At First Sight, even First Dates - everyone is looking for that "spark" that somehow has to be there almost instantly. Dating apps reinforce that attitude - if there's no "spark", you simply move on to the next date. There was an article here on Mamamia in the last 3 months about exactly the opposite: about a relationship that grew out of two people getting to know each other, becoming friends, and then realising that it could be something more.

talezassian December 28, 2021

I'm not surprised the divorce rates are so high in marriages where the husband doesn't take part in the raising of his children - that's just nuts. This should have been part of the pre-marital discussions about the future and about expectations, and part of their ongoing communication within their marriage. That's not "lowering your standards", that's just how love is supposed to work, not this sense of male entitlement in a marriage.

talezassian December 27, 2021

This is one of those articles that needs more context: for example, I found this confusing:
One night, years before I dated Carlos and before my divorce, my husband, Samantha, and I had dinner and a few cocktails. The night was jovial, but I was losing steam. (I had two small children at the time.) 
So Carlyn was married with 2 children previously, divorced that person, and is now with Carlos, but
Carlos couldn’t keep that promise [to always protect her from those who will hurt her]
So Carlos did subsequently cheat on her with Samantha? I suspect regular readers of her columns / website would understand more of the history and possibly of what's ahead for them...

talezassian December 27, 2021

@guest2 Politicians can change the laws if they don't like the decisions being made by the judges - that's the purpose of the legislative branch, to legislate. Also, it's laughable to say that the tabloids are "holding the rich and powerful to account" - they're throwing dirt, not doing actual journalism that reveals and uncovers the misdeeds of public figures.