User Comments

oliviaknight21821 June 4, 2024

You all look gorgeous in your head shots, I didn't notice any lines or double chins, just smart capable women who present very well. I do it too, but it's all in my head, others will look at my picture and just see a nice picture of me, I look and see quasimodo. 

oliviaknight21821 June 2, 2024

I have four kids, two I had in my thirties, I've never had to try, I never planned, I know nothing of that. I did miscarry a lot like 15 times, but actually getting pregnant was never an issue. Maybe they never told you because everyone's pregnancy journey is different? What happened to them probably won't happen to you.  

oliviaknight21821 April 6, 2024

The candid girlfriend doesn't exist and neither do pick me girls. What does exist is the patriarchy and the idea of pitting women against women. Oh look, it's working.

oliviaknight21821 March 25, 2024

My ex said the same, they all do. One time he said he wasn't giving them back after his time with them, I called his bluff and went on a 3 month holiday. A few weeks in he was begging me to come get them. Hasn't threatened anything since. 

oliviaknight21821 December 6, 2023

My husbands from England, hasn't been back for twenty years, he wants the snow, I couldn't care at all.

oliviaknight21821 November 23, 2023

@jay my partner was an alcoholic, he's been sober 7 years now, but when he was drinking it was like Jekyll and Hyde, when drunk it was like a completely different personality came over him. I can definitely see how Brad could be a good person and do all that horrible stuff. When reading the accounts of Angelina it seems very familiar, I don't feel like it's made up. I hope he's gotten help and I hope one day his can children forgive him. 

oliviaknight21821 October 4, 2023

I was quite young with my first two babies and lived with my parents, my mum was like a second mum to my kids. She helped above and beyond and so did my father, my partner at the time was useless. Now second marriage much more stable two more kids, I'm older, my parents are older and I don't expect anything from them now, our parents raised us I don't know why we expect them to raise our kids too. This is their free time and I sure as hell can't wait for mine.

oliviaknight21821 September 8, 2023

I don't have time for friends, I work, I'm studying a degree, I have five children. I literally do not have the time nor the emotional bandwidth to give multiple friendships the energy they deserve. I have to deal with my families emotions, my parents, my one best friends, my patients and my own. I cannot be the emotional sounding board for another person and then be accused of being a bad friend because I don't have room. 

oliviaknight21821 September 8, 2023

You will never know what fate your bad luck has saved you from. Japanese saying. 

oliviaknight21821 June 10, 2023

I wasted my money on opalex and it was useless. My hairdresser put me in to a redkin treatment that has been amazing and no where near the price of opalex.