
'A personal stylist told me never to throw out these 8 items from my wardrobe.'

As winter draws near, it's natural to consider decluttering your wardrobe.

Pilled jumpers, outdated scarves, and scuffed boots are just a few items you might be tempted to toss, but what about the pieces worth holding onto?

Starting a closet clear-out can feel daunting, especially if you're like me and end up parting with items you later regret. It's often when you're searching for a particular piece weeks later that you realise its value. 

Watch: Inside My Wardrobe | Comfort and Joy. Post continues below.

Video via Mamamia.

So, how can you determine what's worth keeping and what's not?

Before diving into the seemingly endless task of organising my wardrobe, I decided to seek advice from a professional. That's why I turned to Melbourne-based personal stylist, Lisa Stockman, to guide me on the essentials I should never part with.

"When it comes to editing your wardrobe, knowing what should stay and what should go is a big part of refining your style," Lisa tells Mamamia.


"There are some glaringly obvious things to cull. Firstly, there are those trend items. You know those pieces you bought that everyone was wearing at the time and you never quite felt right in. Let it go.

"But when working with clients, I never throw out items that stand the test of time."

Curious, I wanted to learn more. So, before you start organising your wardrobe, let's check out the eight items Lisa thinks you should always keep. 

A pair of well-fitted jeans.


"These are an absolute staple that can work from day to night with any type of shoe from heels, sandals, sneakers or boots," Lisa says.

"A wardrobe workhorse."

A classic trench or wool coat.


"This should be in a neutral colour like ecru," she says.

"Another timeless piece that can work over everything from activewear to an evening dress. If you live in a rainy climate, the trench will be more versatile."

A crisp white button-down shirt.


"Another trans-seasonal piece that can be worn open like a jacket, layered with a turtleneck knit underneath, or worn under a sweater, blazer or coat," Lisa says.

"This style of shirt is super sexy with jeans and a red lipstick."

A silk scarf.


"This could be something that’s been handed down from a loved one, or just something with a print in a colour you like," she continues. 

"This can be worn in your hair, around your neck, as an accessory around a handbag handle or as a belt."

A versatile belt.


"Speaking of belts, a simple black leather belt will always finish off an outfit and can even be work over a blazer or button-down shirt to create a waistline."

A black or navy blazer.

"Wool moulds to the body and is breathable and transseasonal," explains Lisa.

"This style of blazer defies trends and looks great over a white tee and jeans, over dresses or paired with pants and skirts. I look for a sleeve with buttons that undo to allow for styling the sleeve."


A cotton white t-shirt.

"These can be hard to find but if you invest in a nice fabric and great fit, these are a must-have in any capsule wardrobe," she says.

Statement or heirloom accessories.


"These could be sentimental pieces, costume or more precious," Lisa says.

"Jewellery is an easy way to add personality and finish any outfit. I rarely throw out jewellery as you can get sick of some pieces but then bring them out years later and give them new life. 

"They also don’t take up too much space in your wardrobe."

Follow Lisa Stockman on Instagram for more fashion and styling tips here.

Feature Image: Supplied/Instagram @lisastockmanstylist

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