
Got a big announcement to make? Grab the nearest celebrity.

Let’s be serious, there’s only one way to tell the world you’re pregnant; ask Will Smith to do it for you.

Are you pregnant? Engaged? Just bought a house? Well, now it’s time to break the news in a memorable way. All you need to do is look around and grab the nearest celebrity.

That’s what one mum-to-be did when she announced her pregnancy – and now the whole world knows. A Reddit user named yogaposer wrote “My friend’s baby announcement is pretty fresh” alongside a photo of a woman named Emily (we assume) standing next to Will Smith, who’s holding a rather important hand-written sign.

The pair are standing in a cafe, which suggests Will was simply standing behind Emily in the queue and they decided to pass the time by getting her big news out there.

This is possibly the greatest use of a famous person since that time Zach Braff proposed to a woman on behalf of her boyfriend in 2013.

Evidently, celebrities aren’t just useful for announcing your big news or popping the question for you – they also make a great wedding gift to your beloved.

Sky News entertainment reporter Joe Michalczuk rounded up a star-studded group of Hollywood interviewees, including Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, Kate Winslet, Cameron Diaz, Zac Efron and Scarlett Johansson, to record congratulations messages for his fiancée to show at their wedding.

He then kindly shared the video with the rest of the world, officially putting every other husband’s wedding gifts to shame.

Check this out:

If you could ask one celebrity to help you announce your news, who would you pick?

Speaking of creative pregnancy announcements, these mums and dads to be have them down to a fine art. CLICK THROUGH this gallery to see why a simple “We’re expecting!” phone call doesn’t quite cut it these days…