What makes some couples seem like they've found the secret to lasting love, while others struggle to stay afloat? According to psychologist Dr Nicole LePera, AKA The Holistic Psychologist, it take a whole lot more than just chemistry and commitment.
In her wellness practices, LePera focuses on the connection between the mind, body and soul. Throughout her career, she has spoken to couples on both ends of the spectrum — those in healthy relationships, and those who are, as she calls it, "stuck in dysfunctional cycles".
Watch: Nicole LePera on relationships. Post continues below.
These interactions prompted the relationships expert to explore "why so many of us are struggling in relationships [and] why these patterns are ingrained", she explained on the Voices of Your Village podcast.
Through her research, LePera has uncovered seven traits that she says couples who go the distance all share — and she shared them recently in an Instagram post that quickly racked up more than 250,000 likes.
"As a couples therapist, I noticed seven patterns in couples who 'made it,'" she wrote on social media. Here are her top traits of couples that go the distance.
- They had boundaries with family.
"They put their relationship first and had clear boundaries with family," Dr LePera shared.
"They didn't vent to them about issues or make decisions based on what their families wanted. They did what was best for their partnership, together."
Anyone battling in-law dramas, take note!
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