
Nice undies and putting out - the essentials for a happy marriage?

A television presenter has caused a bit of a stir by saying the key to a happy marriage is matching undies and keeping your husband satisfied – even if you are absolutely exhausted and not in the mood.

Davina McCall (who is half-French) told the UK Telegraph she always wears matching bras and undies and is constantly vigilant about what she eats and keeping her husband satisfied.

“I want to stay as much as I can like the girl that Matthew married,” she said, then gave some free advice for keeping marriages together.

“You must keep your husband satisfied in the bedroom department even if you’re absolutely exhausted. Otherwise he will go somewhere else.”

Television host, Davina Mccall.

We'd love to know your opinion.  Do you agree? Or are you a fan of big knickers, carbohydrates and saying no?

Here are some initial responses to McCall's thoughts on marriage.

Davina McCall later clarified her comments in a blog saying she sometimes does wear boring undies at work (but even the boring undies always match).

And she went onto say: "I do not submit to my husband nor does he submit to me. My mum said 'to keep your man happy, stay intimate'. Sometimes, especially when the kids were very young and I was super tired,
this was the last thing on my mind… has he ever coerced or pressured me? NO!!!

But have I ever started feeling tired and finished feeling very happy? Yes!! "

We're keen to hear your thoughts on what makes a happy marriage ... or some thoughts on big knickers.

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