
Hallelujah! They've finally invented Viagra for women

The female viagra pill will be on the market within three years. It's called Lybrido and it will increase your desire for sex as well as make it easier to achieve orgasm.

This is the holy grail of medical science. There have been several failed attempts to develop the drug. Striking the right balance between stimulating a woman mentally and physically has been the challenge. Viagra for men is a multi-billion dollar market. Sales of female viagra are expected to be equally impressive.

Lybrido has been invented by Dutch firm Emotional Brain. Founder Adriaan Tuiten developed the drug after being left broken hearted by a relationship in his 20s. Critics warn the pill make turn women into nymphomanics but Dr Tuiten says Lybrido targets women with a low sex drive and will merely raise it to normal levels.

Doctors have been trying to develp a viagra pill for women for years, but female sex drive is a lot more complicated than male sex drive. Viagra works by increasing testosterone levels and increasing blood flow to the penis allowing for easier and longer erections. For women, sex drive is all in our minds. How do you create a pill that makes a woman feel awake, secure, loved, attractive and forgiving of her partner's shortcomings? Because this is what it takes for a woman in a long-term relationship with three children to be in the mood.

When my husband and I first met we couldn't keep our hands off each other. We would use every spare moment to have sex. Sex was something we both prioritised. We promised we'd NEVER become one of those couples who let our sex lives fade.

Fast forward 15 years and three children later and my sex drive is a fraction of what it used to be. My husband is just as interested as he always was. We maintain a healthy sex life but it takes a huge effort on my part and sometimes this effort leaves me feeling resentful.

My experience is typical of many couples. The details vary – some husbands help more than others, some women feel less tired at night – but the bottom line is that women in long-term relationships often have a low sex drive. A female viagra pill would be a godsend to many couples.


Countless studies have been conducted. The New York Times reports that in one study into the female libido scientists used a laboratory gadget to measure vaginal blood flow while women watched a variety of porn. Headgear tracked their pupil movements. In another study women's necks and forearms were wired and they were told it was a lie-detector. They were then asked to fill out surveys about their sex lives and these surveys were compared to the responses of men. The results were mixed. Further studies were needed.

Then, two break through experiments were conducted – one Samantha Dawson, a Ph.D student in clinical psychology at Queens University in Ontario and another by Stephaie Both, a psychologist and profession at Leiden University in the Netherlands. Both tried to approach the problem of female low-libido differently. In the studies hetrosexual women and men watched porn film clips while their vaginas and penises were monitored. Dawson and Both found that women's responses were good at first but as the same clips were shown, their responses significantly reduced while male reactions were consistent. In research by Merideth Chivers at Queens University porn audio was played to hetrosexual women. The audio was a combination of strangers and men known to the women. Their genital response to the strangers was strong but flatlined for the men known to them.

I always joke that seeing my husband vacuum is my idea of foreplay, but removing the resentment of not being helped enough at home doesn't always get me in the mood. It takes constant and varied 'stimulation' to keep me interested.

Tests on Lybrido are continuing. We'll let you know THE MOMENT it hits the market.
