
Can you spot the difference? (It isn't as easy as we thought).


Miss those ‘spot the difference‘ puzzles you spent hours pouring over as a kid?

We miss them – so we found these. They’re guaranteed to release your inner child – but they are pretty tricky. Find the one picture below where there is a subtle difference. It could be something added to the picture, or removed. It could even be a slight colour change.

The answers are below. Let us know how you go.

1. Lady with baby.


2. Ladybird.

3. Puppy.

4.  Street.

5. Dinosaurs.

6. Cars.


7. Sunflowers.


8. Space


1. Lady with baby. Answer - 1st picture. Lady is holding her baby up in the bottom left.

2. Ladybird: Answer - 1st picture. Its colour is more orange than red.

3. Puppy: Answer - 1st picture. Its dots are reversed.

4. Street: Answer - 1st picture. Extra orange dot in forefront.

5. Dinosaurs: Answer - 3rd picture. Extra tree in background.

6. Cars: Answer - 1st picture. Cars in different colour order.

7. Sunflowers: Answer - 3rd picture. It has an extra petal.

8. Space: Answer - 3rd picture. Two extra dots near Saturn.


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