
Life Hacks for all your kid related needs.


To date we have provided you with smart solutions for the kitchen, the bathroom, and for storing the mess in your life. But there is one thing in life that no number of smart solutions will help you control: kids and their mess.

But, no matter how predictably unpredictable kids are, we persevere. Below we’ve pulled together tips and tricks for making life with kids just that little bit easier.

Get ready to learn how to keep washing up in the wake of your kid’s creative adventures to a bare minimum, how to make homemade ice packs for injuries after Saturday morning sports and a genius idea to stop ice blocks dripping over your kid’s arms.


These smart solutions were brought to you by the all new Kia Rondo.

For more smart solutions, visit their website.


Any smart solutions for all things ‘messy kids’ you’d like to share?