Last night I went out for dinner with a group of school mums I hadn’t met before. I was looking forward to meeting the mums of my son’s new friends, but I was also filled with the same sense of dread that I always have meeting mums for the first time.
As I drove to the dinner I could hear myself playing out the conversations we would have in my head, knowing before I even left that the discussion would at some point lead to:
“Home-schooling was the worst.”
“The day I could send my kids back to school was the best day of my life.”
“Eight weeks of school holidays, argh.”
Watch: Be a good mum. Post continues below.
Sure enough, that’s exactly the script that played out - along with a healthy dose of:
“There isn’t enough wine to get through the school holidays.”
“What camps can I sign up for to get them out of the house?"
Not wanting to have every mum at the table never want to talk to me again, I nodded along, agreeing that yes, home-schooling was a living nightmare and that school holidays are far too long.
At the same time, I was trying to work out if any of the other mums were doing the same, or if everyone truly felt this way and I was the only outlier.
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