
Quick Question: What are you thankful for?

What are you thankful for?





It’s Thanksgiving today in the US and I have T.H.E  (Total Holiday Envy). Ever since I traveled to Chicago in 1997 and celebrated Thanksgiving with my then American boyfriend and his family I’ve been in complete and utter love with the whole concept of Thanksgiving.  It’s not about the food. (Okay, that’s a lie. It’s a bit about the food. Think roast turkey, pumpkin pie, lashings of mashed potato, home-made stuffing, gravy, cherry pie… I think I just gained 5kg while writing that sentence).  But my real love for Thanksgiving stems from the feeling around the holiday. It’s a holiday where families and friends gather together to give thanks. To remind themselves what they’re grateful for. A time when we get to put our First World Problems into context.

So in honour of Thanksgiving, we’re asking you: What are you thankful for?

I have a few things.  I’m thankful that I’m pregnant again and that my pregnancy is going smoothly; I’m thankful for my AMAZING job at Mamamia (corny but true) and I’m thankful that my life is full of potential. So even when things seem crappy, I know I have the ability and the opportunity to turn things around. And, it has to be said, I’m thankful for the chocolate Magnum that’s waiting for me at home in the freezer tonight.

How about you? What are you thankful for right now? Big or small … doesn’t matter. Here’s your chance to be thankful.