User Comments

jglow March 3, 2022

@Amy Bee - Don't you just love a "know it all"? Just because he doesn't remember, and he has NO CLUE what it might look like in utero, then he is 100% positive that NO ONE can see anything, absolutely nothing! Yet, we can see our veins through our skin, and we can see the light from a bright flashlight penetrating all the way through our fingers, and when we shine a flashlight through the inside of our cheek, we can see the light thru the outside! But of course, it definitely must be impossible to see light coming through skin stretched at tight as a drum! If HE didn't experience it and HE cannot understand it, then it's impossibility! Ughh! 

jglow March 3, 2022

@lkqshuttle I wish you would tell your stories!!! I know I for one would love to read about it! I am constantly scouring the internet for stories like this! There are some very specific sites you can join to share your stories with others who also remember the womb! This site is really good;

jglow March 3, 2022

@latonyashannon85 I believe you! I've come to the conclusion that the majority of people who say they remember the womb have very specific reasons as to why they remember, opposed to those people like myself (that don't remember) who had simply an average, uneventful, run of the mill womb experience. You shared the woman with your twin, so you undoubtedly were more cramped, maybe even somewhat uncomfortable, you were probably bopped and kicked around by your twin, and you had more things to look at and to feel during your womb experience. You are lucky that you have those memories!

jglow March 3, 2022

No, she's not the only person in the world who remembers the womb! There are MANY people who do. Unfortunately, I am not one of them but I have read far too many accounts of those that do remember to ever doubt that they are telling the truth. Scientist don't know everything, and their findings are always changing- including where consciousness resides in the brain. There is no reason why people would want to lie about this- especially the volume of people who say they remember. Their accounts are too exact to be false.