User Comments

maddiejunob April 7, 2024

Called out!

*Sparkling girl with BIAB nails.....

maddiejunob March 11, 2024

Oh yes always wanting more Leigh recommendations! A couple products I have added to my shopping list.


maddiejunob January 10, 2024

LOVED this article!

maddiejunob October 22, 2023

100% agree.

We have to remember that everyone one has different circumstances and we must not shame others for the choices they have to make that we maybe don't.

And 1000% "It takes a Village"! We have raised children communally for almost all of human history. This only changed in the 19th and 20th centuries.

maddiejunob June 2, 2023

Urgh. Humans on social media are the worst.

Lizzo is an F-ing gift from God! She is an amazing musician and performer. Who do the Haters and Concern Trolls think they are to have any standing to talk about her body? The narcissism of imagining the world needs to hear your opinion on a topic that is none of your business, and about which you almost certainly know next to nothing...

Humans โ˜น๏ธ

maddiejunob May 23, 2023

Oh girl, you need to talk to some trans folk and drag performers! The lengths some of us go to to feel comfortable are kinda wild/scary.

maddiejunob May 2, 2023

OMG I am laughing so hard! When you were ribbing Jared Leto I had to stop reading for a bit. And then you moved on to Doja Cat and now my tummy muscles hurt! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚

maddiejunob February 28, 2022

Yaasss Girl!

Love this story! 

maddiejunob January 10, 2022

That was so lovely to read! 

I frickin love weddings, I just do. Even though I could be called cynical about most things, somehow weddings and all their corniness just get me in the feels Everytime!

maddiejunob January 4, 2022

Hey thanks for this list! There are a couple titles that were already on my "to read" list, but mostly some new ones to check out.
