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broken to bits July 8, 2021

I felt your pain. It’s the same pain I felt when I was ghosted by someone who I loved and cared about deeply.The pain is real and it is deep and only a person who’s experienced this will have true and genuine compassion. It does get better. You will always wonder what you did and what you could have done better but what I learnt is that a person who can do this to another human being without remorse is experiencing a deeper level of pain than you can imagine. It doesn’t make the pain lighter but it helps you to show yourself compassion and grace and understand that the way that he treated you does not decrease your value. He is a coward and he will continue to learn hard lessons in his life-even if you never become aware of them. I have resorted to loving myself more and that might mean something different for you than it does for me but take my advice and look back at a time in your life when you were confident, strong, bold and remember who the f..k you are. Slowly take back your power, start by showing yourself the love and compassion you deserve. Fight until you get to a place when you can feel an unexplained sense of peace and joy. hearts are easily broken and it’s the hardest thing to repair. I stand with you today because I have been to that place where only darkness exists for me and it was the worst experience of my life. I still feel the sting of the pain today but I no longer blame myself for someone‘s behavior. He will eventually meet his demons face to face so don't stay in the hole that he left you in.