User Comments

c_floyd January 20, 2024

She looks absolutely miserable in every single photo. Perhaps he is a ‘shades of grey’ fan and she is his submissive? No shade (pun intended) to BDSM, however it is confronting when it is not a lifestyle you are accustomed to. 

c_floyd February 26, 2022

@mumma-cat my company is a global company and this is absorbed by the company - consumers aren’t affected. I think being happy that some companies are helping rather than hindering should be celebrated rather than trying to figure out where the negative is. 

c_floyd February 26, 2022

@suz I can assure you my company pays very good compensation. They are quite generous and about KPI for equivalent roles.

c_floyd February 24, 2022

My company has just announced 6 months paid maternity leave! I am so bummed I’ve finished my making babies journey but stoked I work for a such an awesome supportive company!

c_floyd August 31, 2021

Amen to that!! I couldn’t believe it when I got it - horrified at the blatant indication they had paid someone for access to my phone number! Dumb dumb dumb. Blocked number and deleted message. 

c_floyd August 28, 2021

My ex-husband and I are also best friends. I, however, don’t find people don’t cope with it, they congratulate me and him on how awesome it is. We still love each other dearly and will do so forever. I am not saying that it was all smooth sailing because there has been a lot of heartache, but we are friends first and foremost. The kids are well adjusted and even though they sometimes as why we aren’t getting back together, they are happy with our arrangement of week on week off. Bonus is I get a whole week of ‘me time’, and as a forty-something woman, that is priceless and I am very grateful.

c_floyd August 11, 2020

this behaviour is showing young boys that it is ok too. my son was touched up the bum by a kid in his class, during class, and he was so upset about it he had to leave and go to the toilet and cry. this is unacceptable. he is 12 years old.