User Comments

jupiter December 14, 2022

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and it's great that the writer loves being a mum. I can 100% appreciate it is the TOUGHEST job in the world. I need to preface that I love my mum and I love my mum friends... I do realise my opinions are unpopular and can be quite jarring, but I think it's important to put them out in the open too.

I love children and think they are just the best. They are often so full of joy and life and are often so much better than adults. However, I do not want children because... 

1. They say motherhood is such a great experience and that it changes you for the better. That's great - but that child didn't choose to be born, life is not easy - why burden a soul with 'life' - especially on a planet that is dying due to overpopulation and pollution? Do we really need more people on this planet?

2. There are so many children in this world that don't have parents. Can we become parents to these children before we start reproducing our own?

3. Why would I want to reproduce my own self? Why am I so special that I need to be reproduced? Why are so many of us NOT OK with fostering or adopting children  but would rather see ourselves in a human that we have created?

I'm interested to hear what others think of my opinions. I would love for my opinions to be changed because I can see I have such a negative view on this topic.

jupiter June 29, 2021

I was also really excited by this. I called three clinics in my city – no one knew anything about it. I’m still waiting to hear back from one of the clinics who promised they would call me back. Also my state’s website is still not updated with new information, i.e. vaccines being available for all ages.

jupiter June 11, 2021

What a refreshing article. In a society that deems parenthood and relationships as the pinnacle of success it’s nice to read another perspective. More articles like this please, Mamamia!

jupiter May 19, 2021

@mamamia-user-482898552 agree!

jupiter May 6, 2021

@guest2 agree!

jupiter May 6, 2021

It’s not like the Australian government is saying it will never take flights from India ever again. We’re taking things slow, testing the situation and trying to protect our country to eventually have that capability and do it properly and safely.

I can understand how stressful and horrible it would be for our expats right now but this is a situation that needs slow and careful planning and a lot of that is happening behind the scenes.

jupiter March 4, 2021

Obviously entirely her choice but I do wish more people would choose fostering or adoption. There are so many children without parents or good role models who need us and who need love. If you have that love to give, please consider giving it to a child who needs you, not one that doesn’t even exist.

jupiter February 25, 2021

Mia Farrow’s life was extremely complex and difficult. The lives of each of her biological and adopted children were too.

Like the others mentioned, it’s important to educate ourselves on the whole situation before forming an opinion. Moses Farrow’s open blog post is a really good place to start:

jupiter February 6, 2021

@mamamia-user-482898552 wonderfully said! Can you please write some articles for Mamamia with this perspective?

jupiter January 5, 2021

I agree with the other posters. It sounds like he receives a lot from you but then again we live in different times and kids generally are more spoilt in this generation. A child psychologist would be helpful. Also, think about how you act and react when he does do something wrong. Perhaps he likes to see your reaction and that could be another psychological issue altogether. It’s fantastic that you’ve pinpointed it now which means you can get the help you need. 

I’m a teacher of children your son’s age and I have noticed more malicious behaviour with some kids. I’m not sure if it’s inbuilt because the parents often seem so kind and well-
adjusted. It may be nothing that you’re doing is wrong, it’s just him and the way he is. A child psych should be able to help. All the best!

jupiter December 28, 2020

@mamamia-user-482898552 AMEN

jupiter December 28, 2020

@mamamia-user-482898552 absolutely 100% agree! More articles with this POV please Mamamia! 

jupiter December 28, 2020

Thanks for this article. I’m recently going through this with a friend. She’s a mum, I’m not. We’ve both had our fair share of issues and have been there for each other through thick and thin. 

I’ve been through a few health issues this year and she has been very absent and very focused on her accomplishments and uses the ‘mum’ excuse to back out of catch-ups. Sure, I have other friends too but I miss our friendship because it was unique.

It’s interesting to see another perspective via this article. Not sure if this is a good analogy but I’ve always been taught that you water your ‘whole’ garden, not just your favourite 
flowers. The other plants in your garden are also important because they will ensure that something is growing when your favourite flowers no longer need your attention.

jupiter October 24, 2020

I have a lifetime AVO against my abusive ex. It was the best thing I ever did. At first I was too scared to take one out against him but with the help of the police, I did. His stalking and abuse has ceased. It’s been four years. I still look over my shoulder from time to time and feel uncomfortable in certain situations but the daily torture has stopped. 

I think this article is great because it’s realistic. Sometimes an AVO will help, sometimes it won’t. In my situation an AVO was a godsend. The most important thing is to NEVER GO BACK to that partner. I urge anyone in a domestic violence situation to get free legal advice, speak to the police domestic violence department, read everything there is about narcissistic personality disorder and how to deal with abusive partners, contact 1800 RESPECT and seek counseling. Take care of yourself and make yourself a priority.

jupiter July 7, 2020

I love the Ordinary and have some of the basics! Just wondering how do we layer all these products you listed? I can see some need to be applied to clean skin but then others you haven’t mentioned... Thanks :)

Jay July 24, 2017

In reply to the other posters on here; sure, some people have a physical type (I personally don't as I believe your significant other is an all round package and not just a physical appearance), however if you've agreed to be PAID and on a television show that many young girls watch and are unfortunately aspiring to these women, 'your type' should be thrown out the window, because essentially you're making a TV show for public viewing and not trying to make one 30-something year old single dude happy. Surely Channel 10 or Endemol Shine (who I'm guessing is the casting company behind this show) should be a bit wiser in this day and age and diversify the 'talent' pool... unless they're looking for negative press to raise issues of racism and media stereotypes which I highly doubt. It's an odd decision and I doubt they wouldn't have thought about in more depth... But then again, perhaps not. I just cannot believe the casting agency would be so dumb to do this...?! Baffled. Miffed. Gobsmacked. So many emojis I could insert right here!