I’m concerned about the inclusion of detailed information about Steven’s wife in this article. It seems inappropriate to link her to his crimes by providing her full name, profession, picture, and Instagram. This is a feminist website, so why is it necessary to involve a woman in the actions of a man in such a detailed manner? This invasion of her privacy invites people to judge her for his crimes and, by supplying her details, could even lead to her being targeted.
“Blank is only feminist if…” we need to stop gatekeeping what is feminist. Feminism is about choice. Statements like that just create another way women can fail.
My best hacks: book a flight that leaves at 11pm. Watch one movie then try to sleep a bit later then the time you would fall asleep. Invest in a good eye mask and use it at home before. For blocking out sound put on rain sounds.
Sounds really terrible but I wish in these stories the other side had right of reply
Why is this a surprise? You would expect her to tell him privately (or he found out the same time as her) before a public announcement . Pregnant announcements were happening long before the Kardashians
This is very well meaning and the intention is help people live happier lives but she only had this revelation once she had reached conventional “success”. I think lot easier to get to the top and say “it’s not great up here” than to abandon that pursuit. There is a lot of privilege and hard work to get to the position of turning down lucrative opportunities. I wonder if she would have had the opportunity to publish this book if she hadn’t already published another successful book.
And short nails mean your into girls…
My partner of 9 years proposed to me after her citizenship was granted.
I don’t think a breast reconstruction after a mastectomy belongs on this list.
@cat those are 100% valid reasons for not wanting to get married. But they were not the reasons he gave. His reasons were: the cost, legally binding nature of marriage and the showiness.
You don’t have to justify why something is important to you. A partner should just respect that it is. I would ask him if marriage isn’t important and doesn’t change anything then why is it a deal breaker for him?
The article name is a bit misleading. It should be medical expenses to give birth rather then have a baby. There are way more expenses to have a baby. Also no postpartum or postnatal care expenses?
@hellb maybe it will encourage her not to settle for bad sex?
I’ve figured out how avoid the negative effects of marriage and still get married… just marry a woman. Highly recommend!
‘Girl gangs’ are over rated. When you have a friendship with one person that’s the only friendship you have to manage. When you add 2 or 3 more people in the mix it becomes more complicated. When two friends are arguing your suddenly put in the middle. If one friend in the gang doesn’t like another friend that much you feel the need to defend the friend. What if you just want to hung out with one friend but don’t invite the other woman. Feelings can get hurt. There is a reason why they stopped in high school.
There are a few things about this story that shouldn’t be celebrated “Despite Sedgwick's disinterest, Bacon would not be deterred”. Also he rang to find out what time her massage was so he could have a ‘chance run in’ with her. That’s stalking. It’s great that their marriage has been successful and there are a lot of positive aspects to their story that people can find value in but I don’t celebrating stalking behaviour is ok.
I’m a little confused what he did wrong? He collected some old clothes from his parents house and accidentally grabbed his ex-girlfriends shirt.