User Comments

jessrusinko March 27, 2022

@cat I don’t think the difference is important. Snuff films are a recording of a murder or suicide - not necessarily a murder taking place specifically to be recorded. It’s the release of the footage to the public that brings the definition of “entertainment” in snuff films. So it is in fact accurate to refer to this footage as a snuff film - especially since the footage added no additional or necessary information to make it news worthy that we couldn’t have obtained without seeing it. It’s no longer educational, making it entertainment, regardless of whether you obtain enjoyment from it or not. So if it’s not educational, and includes the death of a human being, it shouldn’t be public. 

jessrusinko March 27, 2022

I’m an only child and, like Sara-Jayne says in the article, agree that it’s more about the way in which a child is raised than just about being the only child in a house. Like anything, there are positives and negatives - we are also happier in our own company, learn how to communicate with adults early, often are very close with our parents and make lifelong friends that become the family we choose for ourselves. Being an only child doesn’t make you spoilt, just like having a sibling won’t make you altruistic. One this is for sure though - assumptions are stupid. 

jessrusinko February 17, 2022

@cat Having unintentionally stumbled upon the footage on tiktok I can confirm it is definitely horrific. And I understand what you're saying about it not being the same as murder, but I respectfully disagree because it's still violent, and it's still a life ending in unimaginable circumstances, regardless of whether the death was as a result of a crime or not. Like many people, I have lost people I love, and while they didn't die violently, if there were somehow footage of their last painful moments being passed around the internet as 'entertainment' disguised as news I would be broken, so I can't help but think of the family and friends of the victim who, in their most heartbreaking days, are now also faced with the knowledge that random people are now able to watch his violent death. This is not a record we need - there doesn't need to be footage of an event to make it tragic, it's tragic regardless and the only outcome of the footage being spread is more unnecessary trauma and sadness.

jessrusinko November 27, 2021

I wouldn’t even mind so much about it being so one-sided if the guys were actually funny (lies, I would still mind), but they’re not even holding up their end of the bargain! It’s gentle, obvious comedy - at best - 90% of the time…