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ag3ntphoenix April 12, 2024

If you want real spice with great plot head for Eva Haining's Manhattan Knights series, or Sara Cate's Salacious Player's Club series, Sam Hall is also a great Aussie fantasy writer with plenty of sexy stuff thrown in. The Fourth Wing was great, but sadly the sequel is an absolute trash fire. 

ag3ntphoenix March 22, 2024

There's a book called Stepmonster by Wednesday Martin, that I read when I first became a stepmother. Get this woman a copy and tell her to back TF up ❤️

ag3ntphoenix March 20, 2024

@elly it's scheduled for release in April in Australia on Binge

ag3ntphoenix March 5, 2024

I have seen most episodes of the show, but I still race to Mamamia to read the recap when it's finished. Why?? I literally know what happens?? But they bring me so much joy. Thanks Chelsea!

ag3ntphoenix February 21, 2024

@tan  omg you're right, they weren't at the table!

ag3ntphoenix February 2, 2024

@simple simon and there's no star for the other names, does that mean they're the real names or...?

ag3ntphoenix January 11, 2024

I think the drinkers of long blacks are the real connoisseurs of coffee, because we like it in its most natural state! Flat white drinkers are just people who don't know what else to order.

ag3ntphoenix January 9, 2024

This was refreshing! I clicked on this expecting it to be the standard, "You live outside your means," and, "You don't save," etc etc. Thank you, wonderful article.

ag3ntphoenix December 13, 2023

Look, you eat a lot of get fat. It's more a fact than a punchline, and even so, are you denying fat people's right to be funny? 

ag3ntphoenix December 12, 2023

Why aren't there ever stories about women with multiple teenage husbands? 🤔 This man is disgusting.

ag3ntphoenix November 12, 2023

My stepkids would eat exactly none of these, and they're teenagers lol

ag3ntphoenix November 11, 2023

At first glance I thought this was prom photo from the 80s

ag3ntphoenix March 16, 2023

Great article, Clare, and so true. 

ag3ntphoenix March 14, 2023

Cara was my fave of the night in both her gorgeous red dress and this beautiful white one ❤️

ag3ntphoenix March 1, 2023

It would appear this demon gets around, I had so many sleepless nights until I finally chose my dress a couple of weeks ago! It really do be like that.

ag3ntphoenix April 9, 2022

I was 23 when I lost my virginity and, like the writer of this story, I was very shy about it. I needed to feel emotionally connected to someone before I could commit to the physical.  I, however, didn't grow up in church, I was just painfully shy about getting that close to someone! 20-something virgins are definitely out there, and shouldn't be ashamed :)

ag3ntphoenix March 6, 2022

Loved this show, and also loved the Japanese version, possibly even more! It was so interesting watching how they interact with each other with the cultural differences, worth a look.

ag3ntphoenix January 16, 2022

While a great story, a Dominatrix is a female and a Domme is a kind of ruined it a bit for me.

ag3ntphoenix December 14, 2021

@gu3st and that's how we end up watching terrible Australian Idol auditions, wondering why nobody told these people they couldn't sing 😂

ag3ntphoenix October 30, 2021

@Jules I think you're watching very different ASMR 🤔